Synchronize health and fitness data

Health Sync allows you to sync your step count data, activity data (including detailed activity data), sleep data, daily heart rate data, weight data (body composition), blood pressure data, blood glucose data, oxygen saturation data, breathing data, nutritional data and water intake data.

On Android devices, you can sync data from Coros, Diabetes:M, FatSecret, Fitbit, Garmin Connect, Google Fit, Huawei Health, MedM Health, Oura, Polar Flow, Samsung Health, Strava, Suunto and Withings.

You can sync data to FatSecret, Fitbit, Google Fit, Health Connect, Huawei Health, MapMyFitness (and other Under Armour apps), Move-Me, Runalyze, Samsung Health, Schrittmeister, Smashrun, Strava and Suunto.

On iOS, syncing is currently limited to Huawei Health, Garmin Connect and Fitbit as source apps, and Strava and Apple Health as destination apps.

Not all apps allow Health Sync to read or write your health and fitness data to the app. For example, Huawei Health allows us to read most data, but writing data to Huawei Health is limited to only weight data, blood pressure data and blood sugar data. And with Garmin Connect, almost all data can be read, except water intake. Health Sync shows you what data can be synced.


On Android, you can also sync data with Google Drive or Huawei Drive. When you sync your step count data, heart rate data, weight data or oxygen saturation data to Google Drive or Huawei Drive, the last day’s data will be written to your Google Drive or Huawei Drive in a CSV file, but also a CSV file will be generated per week and one CSV file per month. You can use these CSV files for your own purposes.

Activity data is synced to Google Drive or Huawei Drive as a CSV file (activity summary data only) and as a FIT file (with all detailed information), and if GPS data is included with the activity data, also as TCX, GPX and KML files.

Sleep data is synced to Google Drive or Huawei Drive as a CSV file, easy to read in Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets or any other application that can handle CSV files.

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Activity filtering

When syncing activity data, you can configure filters to prevent all activity data from being synced. For example, you can configure to sync only running and cycling activities, and not walking or other activities.

You can also configure filters based on activity duration or activity distance. If you need more activity filter options, please let us know. The activity filter is something we would like to expand based on user requests.

Health Sync Historical Sync

Historical data

Daily data and historical data

When you start using Health Sync, only daily data is synced. Health Sync starts with the data from the day before the day of installation. You can disable the daily sync if you only want to sync historical data (see below).

If you want to synchronize data for a period in the past, you can configure historical data synchronization. You define the period to synchronize and what data to synchronize.

The historical data synchronization works backwards in time. In the historical data page in Health Sync you can see which period has already been synchronized and which period is still being processed.

Not all historical data is synced at once

Health Sync synchronizes the historical data in batches. With each regular synchronization (maximum once every 15 minutes), one or more days in the past are synchronized.

So it can be a slow process. That’s not because we don’t want to make it faster, but because several apps apply restrictions on the number of times we can access their servers. Some have restrictions per quarter of an hour and per day, others only per hour. How fast historical data sync works depends on the apps involved.

Limitation Garmin Connect

Garmin Connect only allows syncing of the last five years of activity data, and the last two years of other data (steps, heart rate, etc.).

Trial period

When you install Health Sync, you get a one week free trial period. During or after the free trial period you can purchase a Health Sync license. You can pay a one time fee for a never ending license, or you can start a six-month subscription. It is your choice.

With the Health Sync license you can use all functionality except the sync from Withings. With the Withings integration there is an additional subscription due to the way this integration works. 

During the free trial, you can use all of the app’s functionality except syncing historical data or manually resyncing days in the past. Once you license Health Sync, you can configure the historical data sync or use the manual resync option in the menu for days before the day you installed Health Sync.

If you want to stop using Health Sync during the free trial period, you can just uninstall the app. There is nothing registered related to payments or subscriptions during the free trial period, so you won’t be charged.


Health Sync synchronizes your personal health and fitness data. This could be sensitive data, such as weight data, sleep data or activity data (including GPS data). We do everything we can to protect your data. This is why Health Sync does not require a Health Sync account, we don’t want any data from you. Health Sync processes the data in the memory of the app on your phone, the data is not stored in Health Sync nor stored elsewhere. The data is only stored in the app you sync with. You can read more about privacy in Health Sync’s privacy policy. If you have any doubts, please let us know

Health Sync and Health Connect

In 2023, Google introduced the Health Connect app. Health Connect lets you sync health and fitness data between some apps. Do you still need Health Sync? Let’s explain when to use Health Sync and what the differences are.

Not all apps support Health Connect

Not all apps support Health Connect. So if an app is supported by Health Sync but not Health Connect, you can use Health Sync to sync your health and fitness data.

If an app supports Health Connect, it may still happen that not everything is supported. For example, Fitbit lets you write data to Health Connect (and other apps can read the data from Health Connect), but Fitbit doesn’t read data from Health Connect. So if you want to sync data with Fitbit, you can use Health Sync.

If an app fully supports Health Connect, there are still benefits to using Health Sync instead of Health Connect. We list them below.

Historical data and Health Connect

Health Sync can synchronize historical data. Health Connect can only sync the last 30 days before you started using Health Connect.

Activity data and Health Connect

Currently Health Connect can’t manage activity duration (active time, moving time) properly. When you sync activity data with Health Sync, the active time of the activity is synced, with Health Connect you will see the total duration as the active time.

Health Sync allows you to apply an activity filter to activity sync to prevent all activities from being synced. This is useful if you don’t want to sync activities with a very short duration, a short distance, or activities of a certain type. With Health Connect you don’t get to choose, there is only the option to sync all activity data or nothing.

Silent sync with Health Sync

Health Sync syncs the data silently. For example, when you sync with Google Fit using Health Sync, the data is silently stored in Google Fit and available for other apps to read from Google Fit. With Health Connect, data is not synchronized, but data is read by an app such as Google Fit when you open that app. Only when you open Google Fit will the data from Health Connect be read and become available in Google Fit.

GPS data and Health Connect

Currently Health Connect doesn’t allow GPS data to be transferred from one app to another app. With Health Sync, the GPS data is synchronized as part of the activity data.

Health Sync for iOS

The first version of Health Sync has been published in the Apple App Store. This limited version supports syncing from Huawei Health, Garmin Connect and Fitbit as source apps to Strava and Apple Health as destination apps.


Health Sync is created and managed by, a compact app development firm situated in the Netherlands. We embarked on this journey in 2016, officially registering our company on January 1, 2017. Our primary objective is to provide top-notch user service for a select few applications. We value user input and strive to incorporate requested features based on user preferences.

Health Sync Activity Filter
Health Sync Main Screen
Health Sync Historical Sync

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